MasterRoc EQ 250 OR is a braided jute dry oil free oakum rope suited for chemical grout treatments
MasterRoc MP chemical grouts are compatible with this product. This helps to reduce material waste while also making grouting easier to handle in challenging situations. MasterRoc EQ 250 OR consists of jute fibres that are oil-free and natural 14 spins per ft (4 turns per m) loose twist. MasterRoc EQ 250 OR can be unrolled quickly to fit into minor joints or fissures. It's simple to cut into desired working lengths. MasterRoc EQ 250 OR has excellent absorption properties. MasterRoc EQ 250 OR is friendly to the environment. MasterRoc EQ 250 OR also fits into small joints or circumferential areas ranging from 1/4 in. to 2 in (6 mm to 50 mm).
It helps in cleaning the area to be sealed to facilitate a good bond to the substrate. Wet the substrate with water.Cut MasterRoc EQ 250 OR dry oakum rope into desiredworkable lengths, normally between 18 in. to 24 in. (0.5 m to0.6 m). Note that properly saturated and installed oakum ropewill create a seal to itself and hence, several short strips ofMasterRoc EQ 250 OR dry oakum rope may be used, in orderto provide a proper seal. Slightly loosen the strands to enhance grout absorption. Pour MasterRoc MP chemical grout into a clean container with a large opening.In a second container, pour clean water to be used to activate the chemical grout Soak MasterRoc EQ 250 OR dry oakum strip in the MasterRoc MP chemical grout. Work the grout into the oakum strip till it is saturated with the grout. Take the saturated MasterRoc EQ 250 OR oakum strip out of the grout pail. Gently remove the excessive grout by hand
Dip the saturated MasterRoc EQ 250 OR oakum strip into the pail of water to initiate the chemical grout reaction Take the saturated and wetted MasterRoc EQ 250 OR oakum strip out of the pail of water immediately and place it into the joint, crack, or annular space. Use a screw driver or a metal rod to facilitate the placement of the strip if necessary . Mist or spray additional water onto the surface of the MasterRoc EQ 250 OR oakum strip in place (use caution only to wet the surface and not to wash out the grout). Allow the chemical grout to fully react and cure.
Repeat the procedure as required, to fill the entire area to be sealed. Excess grout that expands out of the sealed area may be removed by mechanical means (such as cutting or grinding) after the grout is fully cured (use caution not to dislodge the newly formed seal)